Space Cats Fight Fascism: The Board Game
Space Cats Fight Fascism is a cooperative game where you play as a band of rebel cats stopping fascists from taking over the galaxy! 2 - 4 players, 45 - 60 minutes.
It’s the year three million, and the animals of Earth’s past now inhabit the planets of the galaxy in advanced societies. But a rising wave of fascism is sweeping across the galaxy, threatening to throw the Interspecies Galactic Alliance under autocratic rule. To help grow its power, the regime known as The Rat Pack has convinced the powers that be that all cats must be tightly controlled... or forced into feline exile. But everyone knows, cats don’t like to be collared, and they don’t like to be caged.
And so the feline rebellion begins. Together, players can stop these fascist forces from seizing power - while building a new galaxy where all species are free together.

A great game... The game plays fast and the mechanics are tight.
A personal fave.
A game with a great name and an even better mission.
One of the most fun co-op games I have played in a while.
The resistance kneads your help! Your collective goal is to liberate the galaxy before the fascist Rat Pack grows too powerful. You'll strategize to liberate one of each type of planet: Whiskers, Tails, Paws, and Ears.
When four planets have become liberated, the fascists are defeated by the Resistance. The animals of the galaxy rejoice!

Space Cats Fight Fascism - Overview Video

On your turn you'll teleport across planets, remove fascists from the board, and play Resist cards like "Knock Fascist Things Over" and "Cuddle in Solidarity."

Each cat starts with a base ability, such as: Pouncer, Medic, Smuggler, and Freedom Fighter. You can also add new powers to your cats, like Sharp Claws and Burst of Energy. This creates fun combination of effects giving the game great replay value.

But watch out, because the fascists are always on your tail! With cards like Anti-Cat Propaganda and The Fascists Use Laser Pointers to Distract Us!, they’ll wrestle back control of liberated planets while cementing their power. The Rat Pack can win by placing three Occupied flags on the board or by gaining too much power on the Fascism Scale.
On your turn you'll teleport across planets, remove fascists from the board, and play Resist cards like "Knock Fascist Things Over" and "Cuddle in Solidarity."
Each cat starts with a base ability, such as: Pouncer, Medic, Smuggler, and Freedom Fighter. You can also add new powers to your cats, like Sharp Claws and Burst of Energy. This creates fun combination of effects giving the game great replay value.
But watch out, because the fascists are always on your tail! With cards like Anti-Cat Propaganda and The Fascists Use Laser Pointers to Distract Us!, they’ll wrestle back control of liberated planets while cementing their power. The Rat Pack can win by placing three Occupied flags on the board or by gaining too much power on the Fascism Scale.

Our games are made sustainably - in the US and Europe.